Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Resolutions....

I have a hard time with making resolutions, I have never actually accomplished any that I have set. I think it is because I pick too big of projects for myself. This year, I decided that I was going to go easy on myself. I have a huge list, but they are all do-able. It also helps that I have a jump start on some of them so it will just be a continuation of things I am already doing until it becomes second nature. They are in no particular order, just wrote them down as I thought of them.

Make it to church at least 3 out of the 4 Sundays a month. I would like to have 100% attendance, but I am trying to be realistic here.

Finish the Book of Mormon all the way through. I have done this only once in my life, and I have a head start on it as I am already more than half way through.

Keep up with my blog better so people can know what is going on in our lives. I have to be able to do better than one post every three or four months, right?

Have a date night with my husband at least once a month. This is one that I would like to have happen once a week, but-once again-I am trying to be realistic.

Keep my house more organized and de-cluttered. This does not include the toys on the floor, because that is just not going to happen anytime soon.

Stick to the budget. Stick to the budget. Stick to the budget... Jeff and I both have problems with this one. When there is money in our pockets, or in our checking account, we are pretty loose with what we buy.

Continue putting money in savings accounts. I have an emergency account, a vacation fund, and a regular savings account. I also plan on doing an account for each of the boys, I just didn't have their social security numbers when I went in to set them up.

Get healthier. Does not mean losing weight, although I need to do that, I am just not going to have that be the whole goal.

Pay off my car. It was paid for when I bought it, but we borrowed money against it to buy the Peterbilt and start the business. I liked having it paid for.

There are more and there are bigger ones, and they are more like 2 or 3 year goals so I will quit there. There are just so many ways to improve myself, it was hard to narrow it down.

1 comment:

Camille said...

Love your goals for the year! I have some of the same ones myself, and I just need to get my bum in gear and get started . . . only 14 days late . . .