Wednesday, June 11, 2008


We have gone fishing four times so far this year. Brenan loved it when we went last year and he just begs to go almost every day. He now runs around the house with an old phone cord flinging it around, saying he is fishing. He tells me he needs more worm and power bait about every time he casts. When he "catches" one, he comes and makes me take it off the hook and give him more power bait.. It cracks me up! When he gets done fishing, I have to "cut fishies", because he watches his dad gut them after we are done and ready to go home. The kid just pays way too close of attention to stuff we do. He just barely found an old diaper bag, put his fishing pole in it, and said he had to go get more power bait and needed to go to town. He put the diaper bag over his shoulder and went to wait by the back door so we could go get more power bait. I think its funny that that is what he calls it because we normally use worms and salmon eggs, not power bait. I guess maybe I need to get him a little tackle box so he can really have some stuff to play with.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Second baby shower???

Ok, so the message board I am on all the time has this question a lot. Is it ok for a person to want a shower for their second/third.. etc. baby?? I still have all the big stuff, the crib, the swing, the walker.. but I gave away all of the clothes I had for Brenan smaller than about 18 months. Even if it was totally without gifts, I think all babies deserve their own party. Why should we only celebrate the first one? There are people that say "just throw a 'meet the baby' party after you have him/her"... With having a c-section, a newborn, and a two year old tornado, I am really doubting I will feel like planning and throwing a party. There are people on there who get really crabby about it, saying that the moms who want showers for their subsequent babies are being selfish and using their babies for their own personal gain.. to get the things they want. I don't see it that way. Why is it wrong to want to celebrate your new baby with your family, just because you already have a child at home? And, even if the parents do have all the big stuff... every baby uses diapers! Like I said, it is not about the gifts, or getting the things you want, it is about celebrating life. Birthdays are a big deal to me, it is the only day of the year that only ONE person is celebrated. They are being celebrated just because they are here and with us. Why should only the first baby in the family get that celebration before he/she is born?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

This morning..

I did not go to sleep until almost 2:30 this morning, I have too many things running through my head. We have gotten an offer on the house, but it is right at $60K less than what we owe on it, and then they want to take closing costs and realtor fees out of that, so the bank would get even less. It upsets me that our realtor even thought this was a good idea, the offer came from her daughter and son in law, which I really don't think is ethical in the first place. Now there is another couple wanting to put in an offer, and they want to rent the house from us until closing so they can get moved down here, they are from out of state. I talked to hubby about this and he said it was fine with him, as long as the bank accepted thier offer first so we knew that they were really buying it. That was the plan anyway, so that was ok with me too. Now, our realtor decides to go out of town, so I have no idea how long it is going to take to get this couples offer so I can submit it to the bank. I was hoping to submit both offers at the same time, so that the bank can choose which one they like better, without having to wait.

Anyway, I had the whole swarming mess of thoughts swirling around in my head... how long it is taking, how upset we are at our realtor, where we are going to live if we do get the house sold, where we are going to put our stuff because we know it won't all fit in an apartment... then the baby stuff, worrying about how tired hubby was when he went back to driving last night after coming home just to shower, everything snowballed and got all mixed up.

Brenan came downstairs at 6:30 and I was really not ready to get up, so I had him come lay by me. Luckily for me, we both went back to sleep. He normally does not do that, so he must have still been tired or he got comfortable fast enough that it escaped his mind to wiggle enough to keep himself awake. We slept for awhile, then my bladder woke me up.. love being pregnant! Brenan woke up not long after I did, even though I was still laying in bed next to him. He told me that he had a dream about a moose that came and told him hi, then played with his toys, then bounced around with him... funny kid. He then had to pull the covers down and see if the baby was ok. He worries as much as I do I think. He put his head on my belly and was talking to the baby, asking him/her if s/he was ok. Then he told me that he could hear the swhoo swhoo swhoo... baby heartbeep. I asked him if the baby was sleeping in there or swimming around. He said baby was sleeping. He laid his head back down on my belly, sat up real fast like something had startled him and said.. "baby swim! silly baby".. and was patting my belly.

Isn't it amazing how easily we forget what really matters. I mean, yes, having a place to live matters but really, as long as I have my little boy and his baby brother/sister... it will all be just fine. Brenan brings me back to earth so much that I don't know what I would do without him. He is so sweet and cares about other people so much that I really wish I could be more like him. I have cut back so much on the negativity while driving and in stores, because I don't want him to learn it. For not having a very good night, I had a great morning, because I get to spend it with my little man and he makes everything ok again.

camera shy..

I know Brenan is not camera shy, whenever he notices one pointed at him he poses and says "cheese!". He does these little dances and sings songs all the time, but I can't ever get it on film, because when he sees me with the camera, he just stops and looks at me with a silly look on his face. Every time I get on to look at other peoples stuff he comes in and tells me he wants a song. I was looking at my sis in laws blog and it was playing "Don't worry, be happy", Brenan was wiggling around and dancing. He came over to the computer desk and was hanging on to the edge. He started wiggling his little bum and said "shake me booty!". I really want to get this stuff on film, because it is hilarious to me! He is growing up so fast and it makes me sad some days to realize that he really is a little boy now.. not my baby anymore. I would also like to get it on camera because my hubby is not home for most of it and he would think it was really funny too. I guess I will have to get better at hiding it.