Thursday, September 24, 2009

I hate how this thing always puts the first picture I pick last on the post... so.. they are not in order, but at least they are there.

Connor turned 1 today. I can't get used to how fast it goes by. Brenan doesn't think it has gone by very quickly, but I do.

Here is the cake.. tasted a lot better than it looks

Connor, trying to get what was left...

Here he is trying to blow out the candle. We had been practicing. I don't think it helped.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

More pictures of my boys

Oh, those first steps...

We went to the local walking park and took some pictures. The waterfall was leaking all over the place, so I didn't get the shots I wanted because of the mud. Everyone there was laughing at the crazy woman wandering around barefoot, pants rolled up, mud up past the ankles, chasing two little boys around and trying to get them to stay still long enough for me to get far enough away to actually take a picture... lol. It was fun.

I don't know about anyone else.. but I think I have two of the sweetest boys in the entire world!

Aaawww Preschool!

Brenan has wanted to go to school since he could talk basically. He has always loved reading and learning about stuff. The first day of school this year, he woke up to the sound of the school bus picking up the kids outside our house. He came in to my bedroom and was crying because HE wanted to ride the bus! I gave in and called around to the preschools in the area to find one that had an opening and see how much it cost.... Turned out one of them was having an open house that day so we went. He absolutely loved her! So, he is in preschool three days a week for 2 1/2 hours each day. He has so much fun. He asks everyday if he gets to go to school today or not. And when we say yes, he literally counts down the time, asking constantly how much longer he has. When we say no, he says.. "but why????"... I hope his love of school and of learning and of people stays with him throughout his life, even though some days I wish he was more shy. HAHA.