Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy Days...

I have been very frustrated and upset over a lot of things going on in my life right now. That is why it has been so long since I posted anything new. I don't want to just come in here and complain constantly. It gets old for me to say it and most of you really don't want to have to read it either...

I can honestly say I am more happy in my life right now than ever before. Things are going great with the hubby, almost like when we were dating again! I am very happy with my son and my new baby that will be coming in the next couple months. I still don't know what the bank is going to do about the short sale or foreclosure of the house, but I did find a new place to live and its in a nice area and big enough for everything we need and is affordable. Best thing about it is, I don't have to move to Salt Lake! I was really not looking forward to being stuck out there on my own with all the family 3 hours away and hubby gone driving for who knows how long at a time. It would have made Brenan have no one to play with, and that made me really sad to think about taking him away from his cousins and grandparents. I don't have to change doctors, I don't have to change hospitals, I get to stay here with all the family that I love! I just feel like a weight has been lifted. The only thing about the new place is we can't move until the middle of September. If this baby comes as early as Brenan did, that will only give me about a week and a half or so to get everything unpacked and put away before dealing with a new baby. That is pushing it a little more than I wanted to, but it gets me into the place I want and in the town I want, so I will deal with it.

It actually feels a little weird to not be worried about everything. Even in the happy times of my life, I always had something that was just skewed enough that it put a damper on things. I guess the possible foreclosure of my house could be that right now, but I am really not worried about it anymore. They will either accept the offer, or they will foreclose, either way it won't be my house anymore and I have just decided its not worth stressing out over. Everything is good and happy. I don't think I have ever had a time where I could sit and think about things and have a smile on my face while doing it instead of being all worried or crying. This is how we were meant to live. Happiness is a wonderful thing!!

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